Using Swordmaker's "Q Lexicon" as a Research Tool

Fellow FReeQs, if you haven't checked out Swordmaker's superb "Q LexiQon:, be sure to do so! (That's a live link...)

The LexiQon is a magnificent resource for understanding all those weird terms and acronyms in Qdrops. In my estimation, I haven't seen FR research and documentation of its caliber since the days of Alamo-Girl! (And that's some outstanding company!)


I'd like to share with all of you, my fellow FReeQs, how to use the LexiQon as a super-easy and super-handy research tool:

  1. First, CREATE a bookmark folder named, "Q" -- and put it in your browser's "Favorites" bar.
  2. Then, BOOKMARK Swordmaker's "Q LexiQon" (at above link) and put it in the "Q" bookmark folder.


Now, when you're in a Qdrop and find a term or acronym you don't understand, simply...

  1. COPY the Qdrop term.

  2. CLICK on "Q". ( the bookmark folder in my "Favorites Bar")

  3. SELECT the Q LexiQon bookmark,

  4. TYPE "CMD-F" (or "CTRL-F" for other OSes) to enter "FIND" mode.

  5. PASTE the term you copied into the "Search" field

  6. and... Voila! -- the term in the LexiQon is highlighted for you!

To check for possible additional references to the same term, just repeatedly TYPE "CMD-G" (or "CTRL-G") for "FIND NEXT"-- until you think I've seen them all...


Researching Qdrops never was easier! As the guy in the antique "Alka-Seltzer" TV ad use to say:

"Try it! -- You'll Liiiike it!!"

Enjoy! -- and ThanQ!!, Swordmaker!!